Europa vernietigd het laatste paradijs op aarde

Waarom wil Europa het paradijs op aarde vernietigen? Griekenland is het droom van elke ambtenaar en ZZPer of daar gelijkende beroep. Nog een raadsel waarom de Grieken tot Europa zijn toegetreden. Lees en huiver op:

2 gedachten over “Europa vernietigd het laatste paradijs op aarde”


    ÉN DÀN Nóg 3.000.000 Aangiften Van Nederlanders TEGEN ze Vanwege oorlogsmisdaden!

    Geen Valse Beschuldigingen Meer Graag!

  2. Jankie..WIJ hét gedáán?..Sja en nou

    Nederland is precies het zelfde.Veel afhankelijke ambtenaren die een zuiver fascistische mafiakliek dienen,

    De poortwachters betalen ze uit onze zakken.Hoe dat loopt zo met geldstromen even verleggen?

    Nog wel wat puisant rijk geworden van massamoord en Armoeden zaaien.

    Mede een der redenen Waar om de Bevolking afluisteren en er mee onder de duim houden zo belangrijk is om alarm en ingrijpen te voorkomen?

    Nathan Rothschild hurried to the London Stock market and stood in his usual position. All eyes were on him as Rothschild had a legendary communications network. Rothschild stood there looking forlorn and suddenly started selling. The other traders believed that this meant he had heard that Napoleon had won so they all started selling frantically.

    The market subsequently plummeted, soon everyone was selling their consuls (British Government Bonds), but then Rothschild secretly started buying them all up through his agents on the floor, for a fraction of what they were worth only hours before. A lot of these consuls were able to be converted to Bank of England stock, which is how Rothschild took over the control of the Bank of England and therefore the British money supply.

    Interestingly, 100 years later, the New York Times ran a story stating that Nathan Rothschild's grandson had attempted to secure a court order to suppress a book with this, what we would call today, "insider trading," story in it. The Rothschild family claimed the story was untrue and libelous, but the court denied the Rothschilds request and ordered the family to pay all court costs.

    Nathan Rothschild openly brags that in his 17 years in England he had increased his initial £20,000 stake given to him by his father, 2500 times to £50,000,000.

    Some people ask, why do bankers want war? Simple, bankers finance both sides in a war. They do this because war is the biggest debt generator of them all.

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